Indie Games and Craft Beer Pairing #15


Into the Stars paired with Devil’s Canyon Full Boar Scotch

After all the backlash and vitriol from angry No Man’s Sky players, I was glad I hadn’t preordered it. However, my need for space exploration was still unsatisfied.  Fortunately, I remembered I had downloaded Into the Stars a month ago and I was instantly relieved. Into the Stars is an enjoyable space exploration game that combines the feel of the excellent FTL (click here if for some sad reason you’re unaware of FTL) with more focus on resource gathering.

Click here for the full article.

Indie Games and Craft Beer Pairing #7


FTL paired with Ommegang Take The Black Stout

I had always wanted to try Ommegang’s Game of Throne themed beers since I’m such a fan of the show and books. I hadn’t been able to so far because I had to order them online and they’re rather expensive. Fortunately, my brother who lives in a more metropolitan area than me was able to find one and surprised me with it last week. It certainly lived up to the high expectations I had for it. Unfortunately, I could not say the same for the fame I tried to play. Feudalism looked like a fun medieval city builder, but it crashed seven times before I gave up and demanded a refund from Steam. Out of options, I decided to pair it with FTL, one of my (and a lot of other people’s) favorite indie game.

Click here for the full article.

Indie Games and Craft Beer Pairing #2


Craft Beers For Craft Games

Don’t Starve paired with Shipwrecked Double IPA by Mission Brewery

I’ve loved rogue-like games ever since a friend in college introduced me to FTL. Rogue-like games differ from regular games because they tend to be shorter and have perma-death. Perma-death basically means that whenever you die the game completely ends and you have to start over. You lose all game and character progression; there are no saves or checkpoints. This style of games has regained popularity following the success of games such as Shovel KnightFTL, and The Binding of Isaac.  After seeing the reveal trailer for Don’t Starve, I instantly purchased it on Steam. It looked like a survival game directed by Tim Burton. Sign me up! I paired Don’t Starve with Shipwrecked Double because the name Shipwrecked evokes having to survive on an island and potentially starving. All problems I would have to overcome in the game.

Don’t Starve drops you on a randomly generated island and the game’s title is the only explanation for the plot and gameplay. You have to try not to starve by scavenging the island for supplies. Don’t Starve is very much a trial and error kind of game. There’s no tutorial, nothing is explained to you. Rather than trying to describe the gameplay, I’m just going to tell you about my first playthrough and let you decide whether or not it’s worth checking out. So settle in!

Click here for the full article.