Ray Donovan: Lake Hollywood Review

Entertainment, Gaming

When will you start putting your family first?

Ray Donovan’s fourth season is wrapping up and the situation is bleak even by Donovan standards. Despite the big score, Mickey barely appears and simply looks lost. Things are so out of hand, even Bunchie agrees that he needs to get away from his family, which may be the first good parenting decision he’s ever made. Ray’s stoicism doesn’t betray the desperation he must be feeling. He has no real plan anymore; all he can do is find some way of staying important enough that Dmitri won’t kill him.

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Ray Donovan: The Texan Review


We Don’t Throw Away Family

Ray Donovan returned with another thoughtful episode. I’m still slightly miffed that there’s been no Russian fallout yet from Belikov’s death, but I suppose the Russians haven’t discovered his body. Sadly, there was fallout from Conor’s idiotic and drunken actions a couple episodes was one of the low points of the episode, but Terry finally has some screen time and returns to relevancy. Mickey (again) ruins a chance to be a good father, while Ray tries to be one himself. Also, poor Bunchy.

Click here for the full review.

Ray Donovan: Fish and Bird Review


The only permanent thing is love


Well, so much for ending the Russian threat. It looked like Ray may finally have been off the hook with the Russians after Mickey’s imprisonment and Belikov’s release. But no, Ray decided he would no longer be used and finally stood up for himself. After watching him be controlled by various powerful and unethical men for the past three seasons, it was cathartic to see Ray finally take a moral stand. Granted, it took a dead Russian hooker and a great deal of guilt for him to finally make that stand, but at least he finally did it.

Click here for full review.

Ray Donovan: S04 Ep05 Review


Fatherhood is a riddle


Well that went about as well as expected. Any robbery involving Mickey is sure to end disastrously, no matter who’s involved. Even level-headed and professional Ray, can’t keep the robbery from ending badly. I hoped Ray would have learned from the last time Mickey attempted a robbery, which resulted in Terry’s imprisonment. But desperate times call for desperate measures. The Russians are a real problem and they are not going away. The Russians are the most interesting villains in the show’s history because they’re the first organization to be an actual threat to Ray. All of the past villains have been threats to various members of Ray’s family, such as Mickey or Terry. But Ray always seemed to have a solution, but not this time.

Click here for the full review.

New Magnificent Seven Trailer Looks Awesome


I seek justice, but I’ll take revenge.

Metro Golden Meyer and Columbia Pictures have released the official trailer for its upcoming western, The Magnificent Seven. A remake of the 1960 Yul Brynner classic, The Magnificent Seven focuses on a seven gun mens’ quest to help a young woman and protect a small town from a savage gang. Bounty hunter Sam Chisholm (Denzel Washington) recruits six unique warriors to his cause. Starting with gambler Josh Farraday (Christ Pratt) and gradually expanding to include a sharpshooter (Ethan Hawke), tracker (Vincent D’Onforio), assassin (Byung-hun Lee), outlaw (Manuel Garcia-Rolfo), and a warrior (Martin Sensmeier). Peter Sarsgaard stars as the villainous gang leader, Bartholomew Bogue.

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Ray Donovan: S04 Ep04 Recap

Entertainment, Review

What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done?


The fourth episode of Ray Donovan‘s fourth season reunites our central cast in a desperate attempt to (once again) try and fix Mickey’s mistakes. Abby, who’s acting talents have finally been put to good use this season, has two touching scenes as she deals with her breast cancer diagnosis. Mickey returns to his family, Terry goes back to his boxing roots. Truthfully, this may be one of Ray Donovan’s best episodes because his irritating children are completely ignored. Conor’s stupidity and Bridget’s combination of snark and melodrama are not missed.

Click here for the full recap


Game of Thrones: Season 6 Finale Recap

Entertainment, Gaming

Game of Thrones concluded its sixth season with a satisfying, but surprisingly safe finale. It was the longest episode in the show’s history, but didn’t seem to use the extra time efficiently. Other than Cersei’s violent usurpation of the Iron Throne, events played out rather predictably. Don’t get me wrong, this was a solid season finale and laid the groundwork for next season, but it seemed to have less gravity than the previous finales.

The high point of the finale was Cersei’s successful power play. The show had been hinting at the importance of wildfire through Bran’s visions and wildlife certainly had an effect on King’s Landing. The High Sparrow committed the rare mistake of underestimating his enemy. He was easily able to manipulate Cersei and Lady of Thorns earlier in the show, but did not grasp the pure hatred of her enemies. In The Prince, Machiavelli wrote “Men ought either to be indulged or utterly destroyed, for if you merely offend them they take vengeance…” That quote apparently applies to women as well, for Cersei clearly did not forget the humiliation she suffered during her walk of atonement. The High Sparrow, his minions, the Tyrells, and most of all the septa who punished her, have received Cersei’s vengeance. I wasn’t surprised by King Tommen’s reaction to her wife’s death, but was surprised by her utter indifference to her son’s death. Cersei seems fully committed to the Lady Macbeth route and I’m all in for the Mad Queen Cersei next season.

Besides Cersei’s rise to the Iron Throne however, the episode was surprisingly predictable. Bran finally returned, but only as a plot device. Benjen revealed some interesting details about the Wall and the war to come, but Bran was just here to confirm a theory everybody already knew. R+L=J. It’s official and not much of a surprise at this point. I was disappointed by Bran’s utter irrelevance to the show. He’s being touted as this savior against the White Walkers, but all he’s really done is flashback to Winterfell and Tower of Joy, and get Hodor simultaneously murdered and mentally handicapped.

In the North, Melisandre finally paid the price for her horrific crime last season. I was glad that Davos found Shireen’s stag statue last episode. I was afraid that the show simply ignored Stannis being the worst father ever. The Melisandre and Davos confrontation felt honest and realistic. Being a father, I felt Davos’ pain and rage at Melisandre, who could only mumble half hearted defenses. She will remain important apparently, since she was only banished.

Otherwise, Jon seems to continue following the path of his brother Robb. Following a successful battle, he’s been chosen as the King of North, after an awesome speech by Lyanna Mormont. Seriously, that ten year old is more of a badass than I will ever be. But the most interesting part of the show’s time in the North, was Littlefinger’s heartfelt revelation to Sansa. This may be the first time, other than his epic chaos speech to Varys, that we’ve truly glimpsed Littlefinger’s motivations. Everything he does is to attain the Iron Throne with Sansa at his side. It’ll be interesting to see how Sansa handles this. I’m hoping she uses Littlefinger’s love to her advantage, a skill which her mother clearly lacked.

Like Bran, Sam’s appearance was pretty useless. He arrived at the Citadel and joined it. That’s it. All the tension between him and his father, and Sam’s bold theft of the family sword didn’t matter at all. Sam just signed up with the Citadel and saw their awesome ladder. His scene could’ve been easily replaced with the white walkers, or something else more interesting.

Arya finally reappeared in Westeros, using the magic teleportation powers she learned in Braavos. The writers apparently read some Greek tragedy before writing this scene. Arya’s vengeance on Walder Frey made sense on an emotional level. It was almost as cathartic seeing Walder Frey suffer as it was seeing Ramsey die last episode. But logistically it made no sense. Besides the obvious question of how she got there, how did Arya steal the face and murder the Frey sons without getting caught?

Finally, Daenerys took her first step in understanding Westerosi politics. She was forced to abandon someone who truly loved her for political gain. She’ll probably succeed politically because she felt nothing while, essentially, dumping Daario. Tyrion gave an eloquent speech, as he usually does, showing his belief in Dany. And while it was a nice speech, it didn’t reveal anything new. Of course Tyrion believes in her, he stayed in Meereen and ran the city after she left. And of course she trust his advice, otherwise she would’ve killed him by now. While it was a nice gesture that she named him Hand, it wasn’t altogether groundbreaking.

Varys’ secret mission was to ally with Dorne, and in the process he gained the Tyrell’s support as well. Fortunately, the time in Dorne was brief and actually served a purpose. Dany is now allied with several houses and seems perfectly positioned for her invasion. The number of ships she has as well as the variety of banners was certainly substantial. Let’s hope she can claim the Iron Throne before those pesky White Walkers come knocking.

In conclusion, this season’s finale was well done and interesting, but felt very safe. Cersei regained the power she had two seasons ago. There’s a new King in the North. Daenerys is (finally!) heading to Westeros with her army. Arya got the vengeance she so desperately deserved. But it seemed like the show wasted some if it’s time. Sam’s appearance was utterly useless and the Tyrion scene could’ve been cut short. Most importantly, the White Walkers didn’t appear! These are the major villains and since Hardhome, they haven’t shown why. Especially considering the episode was titled Winds of Winter, it feels like an opportunity wasted.



Ranking The Absolute Worst Fathers in Game Of Thrones

Entertainment, Gaming

Game Of Thrones

Game Of Thrones is about many things: vengeance, combating evil, contrasting the virtues of nobility with the reality of life’s cruelty. It’s about civil war, magic, dragons, and warriors. But part of what makes Game of Thrones so interesting is its focus on fathers and sons. A majority of the characters are defined by their relationships with their fathers.

Sadly, most of the fathers are awful to their sons. Ned Stark is the minority, while Tywin Lannister and Roose Bolton are the majority. With the last episode’s introduction of Sam’s despicable father, Randyll Tarly, let’s rank the absolute worst fathers in the Game of Thrones Universe.

Game of Thrones: Who Are The Tarlys?


Using references from the show and information from George R. R. Martin’s books, this article will explain the importance of the Tarlys and the current members of the family.


6 Totally Realistic Game of Thrones Predictions


 With five episodes of the new season of Game of Thrones underway, fan theories are more numerous than a Dothraki horde. Even though Jon Snow’s resurrection laid to rest much speculation from earlier this year, there are still many questions that remain. Is the Hound alive? These are six of the most interesting Game of Thrones theories that are surprisingly credible.